In this Barbecue Skewer Balloon experiment, you will pierce the balloon without popping it. I am sure your kids will deeply be impressed. It is a great science activity to do both at home and at school.
Age: 5 Time: < 20 mins
1. Be careful with the sharp barbecue skewer.2. Adult supervision.
Materials List
- Balloons
- Barbecue skewer
- Lubricant (washing soap or vegetable oil)
- Inflator
Step 1/4 – First inflate the balloon and tie it.Step 2/4 – Looking at the balloon, you will find that there is a thicker area near the knot and a thicker area at the bottom. These two parts are what we will pierce a barbecue through.

Step 3/4 – Lubricate the barbecue skewer with washing soap.
Why is it easy to pop up the balloon when piercing a balloon?— It may be that the barbecue skewer is not sharp enough or you push the skewer through the thin part, not the thick part.
Scientific Description
The balloon is made of rubber which is composed of many long-chain molecules. When the balloon is inflated, the long chains of the rubber molecules stretch. Two ends of the balloon are less stretched than other parts. When these two parts are pierced by a barbecue skewer, the long strands of molecules stretched around the barbecue skewer and kept the air inside the balloon from rushing out. When the most stretched part is pierced, the long strands of molecules cannot seal around the hole because it has stretched long enough and the balloon will pop up.Extensions
Let’s see how many balloons you can pierce on a barbecue skewer.
Barbecue skewer pirce balloon balloon without popping it
Reviewed by Ronyes Tech
May 12, 2020

The inflatable is made of elastic which is made out of some lengthy chain particles. At the point when the inflatable is expanded, the long chains of the elastic particles stretch. Two finishes of the inflatable are less extended than different parts. At the point when these two sections are penetrated by a grill stick, the long strands of particles extended around the grill stick and held the air inside the inflatable back from hurrying out. 4th degree sex offense maryland At the point when the most extended part is punctured, the long strands of particles can't seal around the opening since it has extended adequately long and the inflatable will spring up.